28 Apr 2022
An absurd play unpeeling repressed conflicts underneath the roles & pleasantries of the modern city household.
1h 20mins
4 actors, 2 ADs
Classroom A-602
BPGC Drama Club
The play as well as the playmaking was all about trying to make sense of the symbolic language of the script. We began by improvising aspects from the repeating images in the dialogues & monologues, attempting to absorb the emotional value of these ambiguous symbols as attitudes at the hearts of the characters. We then performed the whole script in a focused, “minimum” space, attempting to dramatise only the core dynamics at play. This helped spotlight the interplay of power and powerlessness in postures & spatial relationships, the dreamy rhythms of shallow chit-chat bursting into deeply felt testimonies, the structure the symbolic language offered the whole, and the aesthetic of patient discomfort that surrounded the entire encounter. I then re-structured the script around these few themes, sketching out the tone of absurdism further, and this translated into the play in its arrangement of space, lingering presences, extended reactions and the alienation of familiar household objects into emotional statuses.