I am a design research student and I make immersive theatre
Toward MRes thesis
Royal College of Art, UK
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Devised a short story by Satyajit Ray for the stage as a research study towards a broader thesis
Produced by BPGC Drama Club
BITS Goa, India
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Swallow by Stef Smith
Produced by BPGC Drama Club
BITS Goa, India
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Scenes from The City by Martin Crimp
Produced by BPGC Drama Club
BITS Goa, India
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Pornography by Simon Stephens
A collaborative anthology exploring virtue and violence surrounding the 7/7 bombings in London
Produced by BPGC Drama Club
BITS Goa, India
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Play House by Martin Crimp
A fly-on-the-wall radio play following a young city couple as their relationship unravels
Produced by BPGC Drama Club
BITS Goa, India
assistant direction
Crave by Sarah Kane
An explosive piece exploring the cruel poetics of trauma and desire in an immersive mental chamber
Produced by BPGC Drama Club
BITS Goa, India
Death Knocks by Woody Allen
A surreal comedy exploring an encounter between 2 forms of Western masculinity over a game of cards.
Produced by BPGC Drama Club
BITS Goa, India
Disgraced by Ayad Akhtar
Produced by BPGC Drama Club
BITS Goa, India
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